%0 Journal Article %T COEFICIENTE INTELECTUAL DE NI£¿OS ESCOLARIZADOS EN INSTITUCIONES P¨²BLICAS DE LAS ZONAS NORORIENTAL Y NOROCCIDENTAL DE MEDELL¨ªN SEG¨²N EL NIVEL DE SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA DEL HOGAR Y CONDICIONES SOCIECON¨®MICAS %A Cadavid C %A Martha %A Zapata Z %A Maryories %A Aguirre A %A Daniel %A ¨¢lvarez U %A Martha %J Revista chilena de nutrici¨®n %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0717-75182011000400001 %X objective: to analyze the association between school-aged children intelligence quotient and their household food security levels and socioeconomic conditions. methodology: cross-sectional analysis with a randomly selected group of 423 school-aged children enrolled in 41 public schools located in the northeast and northwest areas of medellin, colombia. the intelligence quotient (iq) was assessed using the wechsler intelligence scale for children-iv (wisc-iv). household food security was assessed using the latin american and caribbean household food security scale. results: there were significant differences (p<0,001) between children iq in household with good food security (mean: 93.6 ¡À 12.7) and severe household food insecurity (mean: 87.5 ¡À 15.4). the lower iq scores were explained partly by diminished household food insecurity and socioeconomic conditions. conclusions: to live under unfavorable environmental conditions predicts children cognitive problems and these effects are bigger if the families experiencing food insecurity or hunger. %K intelligence quotient %K household food insecurity %K children %K poverty %K medellin- colombia. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0717-75182011000400001&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en