%0 Journal Article %T Caracterizaˋˋo f赤sica e qu赤mica de duas cultivares cebola armazenadas sob refrigeraˋˋo %A Muniz %A Lidiane Batista %A Moretti %A Celso Luiz %A Mattos %A Leonora Mansur %A Carvalho %A Patr赤cia Gonˋalves Baptista de %A Melo %A Cleneide Oliveira %J Revista de Ci那ncias Agr芍rias %D 2012 %I Sociedade de Ci那ncias Agr芍rias de Portugal %X the objective of this research was to comapre bulb physical and chemical characteristics of onion cvs. cnph 6400 and 車ptima during refrigerated storage. bulbs were collected, subjected to a cure, selected, and then stored for 60 days. every 10 days, we analyzed weight loss, firmness, color, total soluble solids (sst), total acidity (att) and pungency. it was observed during storage, increased 3% and 2% weight loss, 57% and 50% for brightness, 6% and 22% reduction of firmness, 16% and 12% for sst and 28% and 14% for att in cnph 6400 and 車ptima cvs, respectively. higher a* values were found for cv. cnph 6400 while cv. 車ptima had higher b* values. at the end of the storage period, the pungency was 2 as often greater in the cv. cnph 6400 in relation to the cv. 車ptima. it was concluded that the onions suffered significant changes in their physical and chemical characteristics which were dependent on the cultivar analyzed and storage time elapsed. %K allium cepa l. %K onion bulbs %K quality %K refrigeration. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0871-018X2012000100025&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en