%0 Journal Article %T Autonom¨ªa universitaria y su misi¨®n transformadora: enfoque te¨®rico-hist¨®rico %A ¨¢vila J %A Nelson %A Gillezeau B %A Patricia %J Revista de Ciencias Sociales %D 2010 %I Universidad del Zulia %X the objective of this essay is to offer a theoretical-historical approach to university autonomy and its transforming mission from the authors£¿ perspective. methodology was based on real cases of universities in latin america that serve as references to specify the observations. knowing, truth, knowledge, ethics, science, academe, society, power and transformation are categorical categories, inseparable from university autonomy, which cannot be conceived without constant interaction with the state and society. since knowing is the determining power for achieving transformation, even though sometimes power generated by money and violence overcomes it, the role played by universities is subject to permanent contradictions and antagonisms with the state, society or factic powers, independent of their ideology, precisely because due to knowledge, universities are a power in themselves; furthermore, they are also society itself. without a doubt, truth loses its meaning without the transforming application of reality to valuate absolute principles of liberty, quality or equity. to create thought, science and contribute to erecting a knowledge society with a universal approach should be the fundamental role of autonomy. %K science %K society %K autonomy %K power %K transformation. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1315-95182010000100015&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en