%0 Journal Article %T Imagen de los ciudadanos de Barranquilla acerca de la administraci¨®n de justicia y del papel de los jueces en la resoluci¨®n de los conflictos en 2010 %A Ram¨ªrez %A Mar¨ªa Lourdes %A Llin¨¢s Solano %A Humberto Jes¨²s %A Illera Santos %A Mar¨ªa de Jes¨²s %A Fl¨®rez Lozano %A Karen %J Revista de Derecho %D 2012 %I Universidad del Norte %X this work analyzes a topic of great importance in any society: the image citizens have of the administration of justice. in this case we will be talking about the citizens of barranquilla. as justice we understand the area of the public power of the state which is in charge of solving the conflicts between people from the law. the importance of determining the image citizens have of justice administration will have direct consequences in the means they will adopt to solve their controversies since the more credibility i8n the system, the more possibilities that people refer to institutional means to solve their conflicts. this situation will have repercussions at social, economical and security levels for the city. %K judges %K administration of justice %K due process %K barranquilla %K conflict. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-86972012000100009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en