%0 Journal Article %T Caracterizaci¨Žn y prevalencia de las enfermedades orales en el caballo criollo, departamento de Caldas, Colombia %A Cruz Amaya %A Jorge Mario %A S¨˘nchez V. %A Jorge Alberto %A Vera Hern¨˘ndez %A Luis Guillermo %J Revista de Medicina Veterinaria %D 2012 %I Universidad de La Salle %X the purpose of this paper is to characterize and estimate the prevalence of oral diseases in working horses in the department of caldas, colombia. the variables, presence or absence of a disease in the oral cavity, body condition (bc), age, gender, species (mule or horse) and type of food were recorded. to analyze the information, four age groups were created: young adult, mature, old. they were divided into three groups according to bc: poor or thin (1-2-3), healthy (4-5-6) and obese (7-8-9), and three feeding groups were observed: type 1, forage; type 2, forage + concentrated food, and type 3, forage + products made from sugar cane (cachaza). all the analysis were performed using sas software. the prevalence of each disease was calculated using chi-square (c2). the effect of age groups, bc and feeding on the various oral diseases was evaluated by analysis of variance (anova). the significance level was set at p <0.05. the prevalence of oral disease found was 76.5% (n = 400). thirty-two (32) different oral abnormalities were diagnosed. bc and age had a significant effect on the likelihood of association to oral disease (p < 0.01). the effect of feeding type on the likelihood of oral disease was significant (p = 0.04), while the effects of gender and species were not. the horses studied had not received any previous dental treatment, which is an important field for professionals in the region. %K horses %K oral diseases %K dentistry %K dental anatomy. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0122-93542012000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en