%0 Journal Article %T Efeito hipolipid¨ºmico do suco de camu-camu em ratos %A Schwertz %A Ma¨ªra C¨¢ssia %A Maia %A Jeniffer Resende Patroc¨ªnio %A Sousa %A Risonilce Fernandes Silva de %A Aguiar %A Jaime Paiva Lopes %A Yuyama %A Lucia Kiyoko Ozaki %A Lima %A Emerson Silva %J Revista de Nutri£¿£¿o %D 2012 %I Pontif¨ªcia Universidade Cat¨®lica de Campinas %R 10.1590/S1415-52732012000100004 %X objective: this study evaluated the potential hypolipidemic effect of camu-camu juice (myrciaria dubia (kunth) mcvaugh) in dyslipidemic rats. methods: seventy-two adult male wistar rats (rattus norvegicus var. albinus berkenhout) with an average weight of 200g were used. the experiment was divided into two phases: induction of dyslipidemia and treatment. dyslipidemia was induced by a high-fat diet (commercial feed plus 10.0% lard, 1.0% cholesterol and 0.1% cholic acid) given to the animals for 21 days. in the treatment phase, 40 dyslipidemic rats were randomly divided into five groups (n=8). of these, three were subjected to different treatments with camu-camu juice: 0.4ml.kg-1, 4.0ml.kg-1 and 10ml.kg-1 for 14 days. the other two groups were kept as parameters: a basal group (normolipidemic) and a hyperlipidemic group receiving 10ml.kg-1 of quercetin (standard treatment). the potential hypolipidemic effect of camu-camu juice was assessed by the following measurements: plasma lipoproteins (triacylglycerol, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol), fecal and liver cholesterol, and measurements of feed intake and body weight. results: all dosages of camu-camu juice were hypolipidemic, reducing triacylglycerol, total cholesterol, fecal cholesterol excretion and hepatic cholesterol. the best results were obtained by the 10 ml.kg-1 dosage of camu-camu juice. rat body weight and food intake did not vary significantly during the treatment. conclusion: camu-camu juice has a hypolipidemic effect in dyslipidemic rats. these results can be used as reference for future studies on this amazonian fruit. %K dyslipidemia %K quercetin %K rats. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1415-52732012000100004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en