%0 Journal Article %T A cria£¿£¿o da ¨¢rea "nutri£¿£¿o" na Capes %A Kac %A Gilberto %A Proen£¿a %A Rossana Pacheco da Costa %A Prado %A Shirley Donizete %J Revista de Nutri£¿£¿o %D 2011 %I Pontif¨ªcia Universidade Cat¨®lica de Campinas %R 10.1590/S1415-52732011000600011 %X this text was based on a document prepared by the national forum of coordinators of graduate studies in food and nutrition, which has proposed the creation of the food and nutrition area by the coordena£¿£¿o de aperfei£¿oamento de pessoal de n¨ªvel superior, of the brazilian ministry of education. starting with the establishment of food and nutrition as a field of knowledge and practices in brazil, the role played by the national forum of coordinators of graduate studies in food and nutrition, which has proposed the creation of the food and nutrition in the sense of its academic strengthening is highlighted. the profiles of these programs since the 1970s are described, emphasizing their numerical and qualitative growth. the research lines that make up these programs and content indicate their epistemic formation, and the brazilian research groups in this field are considered potential multipliers of new master's and doctoral programs. this new area was created in 2011, with programs throughout the country, except in the north region. thereafter, this forum, representing the 18 programs that initially constitute the area, together with the coordination and committee designated by coordena£¿£¿o de aperfei£¿oamento de pessoal de n¨ªvel superior, have the challenge of strengthening the brazilian graduate education on the scientific field of food and nutrition. %K feeding %K nutrition %K research. universities. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1415-52732011000600011&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en