%0 Journal Article %T Vers£¿o Portuguesa do CORE-OM: tradu£¿£¿o, adapta£¿£¿o e estudo preliminar das suas propriedades psicom¨¦tricas %A Sales %A C¨¦lia Maria Dias %A Moleiro %A Carla Marina de Matos %A Evans %A Chris %A Alves %A Paula Cristina Gomes %J Revista de Psiquiatria Cl¨ªnica %D 2012 %I Universidade de S?o Paulo %R 10.1590/S0101-60832012000200003 %X background: the clinical outcome routine evaluation - outcome measure (core-om) is a european self-report measure of psychological well-being in adults, which is already adapted for more than 20 countries. the core-om is applicable in primary care settings, in occupational health and educational contexts, as well as for evaluations of mental health services quality. objectives: to translate the core-om into and adapt it to the portuguese language. methods: the translation of core-om to portuguese was conducted in accordance with the core system trust international guidelines, in collaboration with the authors of the original core-om. this guidelines involved seven independent translations by individuals familiar/non-familiar with the field of mental health and by licensed translators. after the discussion of these translations in a focus group, a final version of the portuguese core-om was established. individuals from different age groups, socio-cultural backgrounds and educational levels participated in this translation process. results: preliminary results in a sample of 111 individuals (general population) show that the translated measure is confidential and has a good internal reliability. discussion: the portuguese version of the core-om is a valid and adequate instrument to evaluate psychological changes, both in research and clinical practice contexts. %K translation %K psychological well-being %K self-report questionnaires %K core-om %K portuguese version %K ipps. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0101-60832012000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en