%0 Journal Article %T Asignaci¨®n de aspirantes a trav¨¦s del Sistema Nacional de Ingreso a la Educaci¨®n Superior (SINIES), UCV 2008 %A Gonz¨¢lez Ulpino %A Jes¨²s Alejandro %J Revista de Pedagog¨ªa %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the decision taken by the national university council (july 2007) to eliminate all types of test as a requisite to enter the system of higher education in the country crea ted the need to find alternative means of assigning places to aspirants that was to come into force as from the year 2008. to this end, a technical commission was set up coordinated by the planning office of the university sector which produced the so-called £¿multivaried assignation index£¿, based on fuzzy logic. this study analyzes the results of the application of this mechanism, obtained with the group of as pirants to enter the universidad central de venezuela (ucv) in 2008. the ana ly sis aims to assess the efficacy of the mechanism used, comparing the results obtained with the stated objectives of the same. we show that the application of the index does not guarantee equal opportunities for all candidates according to their socioeconomic background or the type of school attended. in practice, the application of the index favored those aspirants belonging to the £¿ribas mission£¿ and ex cluded can didates who obtained the maximum grade point average (20 points) in their final year of secondary education from being given places in any of the six op tions at the university to which they applied. %K higher education %K university admissions %K exclusion %K venezuelan education. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0798-97922010000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en