%0 Journal Article %T Los maestros venezolanos y los textos escolares. Una aproximaci¨®n a las representaciones sociales a partir del an¨¢lisis de segmentaci¨®n %A RAM¨ªREZ %A Tulio %J Revista de Pedagog¨ªa %D 2007 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X abstract in this work we present the results of a field study on the social representation that school teachers have about school texts. a sample of 1,690 venezuelan primary school teachers selected from seven regions of the country was studied. information was collected through interviews and self-administered questionnaires. the data were processed by means of the multivariable segmentation statistical technique so as to know the possible statistically significant differences between the groups of teachers interviewed on the basis of a set of predictive variables (independent) and the type of social representation that teachers may have about texts (dependent). the results indicate that it is the young, untenured teachers with few years of experience and without university degrees, who tend to have a conservative, relatively uncritical and book-centered social representation of school texts %K teachers %K social representations %K school texts %K venezuelan education. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0798-97922007000200004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en