%0 Journal Article %T EVALUACI¨®N EPIDEMIOL¨®GICA DE PROCESOS RESPIRATORIOS BACTERIANOS EN REEMPLAZOS DE PONEDORAS %A Colas Chavez %A M %A Lamazares %A Mar¨ªa del Carmen %A P¨¦rez Garc¨ªa %A L %A Sosa Test¨¦ %A Ileana Mar¨ªa %A Abeledo %A Mar¨ªa Antonia %A Merino L¨®pez %A A %A Fuente %A Dasha %A G¨®mez ¨¢lvarez %A E %J Revista de Salud Animal %D 2011 %I Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria %X with the objective of evaluating the epidemic situation of the breathing processes of bacterial in of replacement of egg-laying hens, a retrospective epidemiological study was carried out during the period between january, of 2004 to december, 2008, in two commercial companies enterprises. from the reception of the information seated in the official registrations of the provincial veterinary medicine institute, the relative mortality per group of diseases were calculated. it were calculed the relative mortality for infections coryza and chronic respiratory syndrome, you by means of the winepi tasas version 2.0 program. in order to know the temporary behavior of the health events referred, a analysis of chronological series was carried out in statgraphics plus 5.1, determining tendency, seasonal variation and ciclicidad. kruskal wallis and u the mann-whitney (minitab 14 statistical package) test were applied in order to compare the relative mortality between months and season of the year. it was demonstrated that the group of more excellent diseases in the replacement of egg-laying they were the breathing bacterial diseases, that it constituted the first cause of deaths in the first four analyzed years. a marked seasonal and recurrent variation was observed in the rainy season in both respiratory processes for this category in the years analyzed. %K chonologycal series %K epidemiology %K infectious coryza %K chronic respiratory syndrome (src). %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0253-570X2011000300006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en