%0 Journal Article %T MEJORAMIENTO DEL PROCESO DE PRODUCCI¨®N PORCINA COMO PROVEEDOR EN LA FABRICACI¨®N DE MEDICAMENTOS %A P¨¦rez %A Aleida %A Bulnes %A C %A Roque %A Esnayra %A de la Noval %A Nery %A Villoch %A Alejandra %J Revista de Salud Animal %D 2011 %I Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria %X a methodology for scientific analysis and solution of problems was designed on the basis of advanced quality tools. it was applied to a swine production process of raw material supplier for the manufacture of drugs. as a result of the analysis of the main process problem, the low availability of pigs, which fulfilled the health requirements as donors of mpf and most influential in causing respiratory diseases in swine units in the country studied, was identified. critical success factors of this production system coincided with the probable causes of the main problems identified, increasing yield and consistency of the process with the most suitable animals a year, reducing losses by diseases, primarily respiratory, changing current productive paradigm and having suppliers selected and approved to meet a new productive paradigm. among the alternatives or changes were early slaughter and design of a supplier management process, with selection of official suppliers evaluated with productive paradigm focused on the production of raw material for the manufacture of drugs. to verify and monitor the effectiveness of the redesigned technology system, a system of quality costs was developed, allowing the distribution of costs among the planned activities to ensure and assess the production and failures caused by poor quality. the application of this system shows that in the period, after the redesign of the process, there was a progressive reduction of the costs by failures, achieving a balance between them and evaluation and prevention costs, so they can begin to reduce expenses in these two categories. the results obtained with the swine production process show the feasibility of the methodology designed, since the scientific analysis performed, there was a positive impact in its efficiency and consistency, helping to maintain the quality levels of pharmaceutical products. %K methodology for scientific analysis and solution of problems %K swine production. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0253-570X2011000200005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en