%0 Journal Article %T Una mirada a la problem¨¢tica Begr¨ªffsgechichte europea y sus implicancias en la historia del derecho %A Magneres %A Magdalena %J Revista de historia del derecho %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the european conceptual history as field of research is for historians a semantic tool that from an historical perspective, allows to think about some political concepts. modern ages developed some of them like: power, participation, representation, state, person, equality, legitimacy and right and they are related to with the field of political ideas. they cross the dynamic current legal history in germany and italy. the objective of this proposal is the probability of dissociating this conceptual history from its own genesis. as the koselleckian model departed from the idea that not every word is a concept and that "main historical concepts" are only defined those that have the collective experience spread in time, we considered this area of convergence between history and concept, it has ananchoring ground in social history, and can be thought to figures who generates law in history: king, leader, legislator, and body of citizens. the interiority of this formative process of making laws trough history has to be read over again from those variables developed during the turbulent twentieth century. %K methodology %K sources %K history %K concept %K historiography. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1853-17842010000100009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en