%0 Journal Article %T Reemplazo total de cadera bilateral en un tiempo %A Lopreite %A Fernando A %A Garabano %A Germ¨¢n %A Harold %A Simesen %A Mana Pastrian %A Diego %A Del Sel %A Hern¨¢n J %J Revista de la Asociaci£¿3n Argentina de Ortopedia y Traumatolog£¿-a %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X background: the literature on bilateral simultaneous total hip replacement (bthr) is controversial. those who agree with the procedure, contend that it reduces the amount of anesthetic, surgical time and hospital stay, the rehabilitation is faster and economic costs are lower. opponents argue that it is associated with a higher rate of complications, such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and heterotopic ossification leading to subop-timal functional outcomes. methods: 40 bthr were performed in 20 patients. 16 males (80%) and 4 (20%) females, average age: 56 years, and average follow up: 25 months, the average asa was 2. uncemented and hybrid prostheses were used. results: all patients were satisfied with the results at the last control. the average hip score was 90.4 points. the average surgery time was 186 minutes for hybrid replacements, requiring 27 minutes less for uncemented implants. all patients walked at 72 hs pop, and 17 required blood transfusions. the median follow-up was 25 months (range: 8-72 months). conclusions: in our series the bthr proved to be a safe procedure after an appropriate patient selection, the correct study of their co-morbidities, supine position for surgery, and cementless prosthesis. the economic costs were reduced, and the functional recovery was faster than in the two-stage bilateral thr, without increasing the complication rate. %K bilateral total hip replacement %K simultaneous bilateral replacement %K lower costs %K pulmonary embolism %K deep vein thrombosis %K heterotopic ossification. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1852-74342011000200007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en