%0 Journal Article %T Molecular characterization of the - -SEA alpha thalassemia allele in Mexican patients with HbH disease %A Nava %A Maria Paulina %A Trejo %A Jorge Martin %A Aguilar-Luna %A Carlos %A Barros-N¨²£¿ez %A Patricio %A Ch¨¢vez %A Ma. de la Luz %A Maga£¿a %A Mar¨ªa Teresa %A Perea %A Javier %A Ibarra %A Bertha %J Revista de investigaci¨®n cl¨ªnica %D 2006 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X ¦Á-thalassemia is one of the most prevalent hemoglobin disorders in the world, in south-east asians, the--sea allele is widely found in the hbh disease patients. the purpose of this work is to describe the molecular characteristics of hemoglobin h disease in three patients from two mexican families, as well to analyze the dna sequence of the --sea allele to determine the precise site of the crossover. the -¦Á3.7 and --sea alleles were identified using an established long-pcr method modified in our laboratory. the crossover site of --sea mutation was analyzed by dna sequencing. the three hbh subjects showed the same genotype -¦Á3.7/--sea. the -¦Á3.7 allele has been observed in almost every racial studied group, whereas the --sea allele is predominant in south-east asian countries. dna analysis through the breakpoint sites of the --sea allele in both families showed the 5' breakpoint at the third base of codon 28 in the ¦×¦Á2 gene and the 3' breakpoint within an alu-jo sequence, 1,328 nucleotides upstream of the 3'hvr. therefore the size of the deletion is 19,303 nucleotides. this is the first report in which the flanking deletion sites of the--sea mutation have been analyzed in mexican patients, the 5' and 3' ends of the deletion is well determined. %K ¦Á-thalassemia %K hemoglobin h disease %K -¦Á3.7 %K deletion. -- sea deletion. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0034-83762006000400007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en