%0 Journal Article %T La punci車n del acceso vascular en hemodi芍lisis es una necesidad, el m谷todo Buttonhole una opci車n %A Grau Pueyo %A Carmen %A Granados Navarrete %A Isabel %A Moya Mej赤a %A Carmen %A Garc赤a Blanco %A Miriam %A Vinuesa Garc赤a-Ciaˋo %A Xavi %A Ram赤rez Vaca %A Josefa %A Picazo L車pez %A Laura %A Ibeas L車pez %A Jos谷 %J Revista de la Sociedad Espaˋola de Enfermer赤a Nefrol車gica %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4321/S1139-13752011000100005 %X introduction: the access puncture technique, as well as affecting survival, is a cause for anxiety and discomfort for the patient. there are three puncture techniques: rope-ladder, area and buttonhole. studies carried out on this last method associate it to a reduction in pain and the complications associated to puncture. aim: to introduce the buttonhole puncture method in our unit. methodology: observational descriptive study, carried out at our haemodialysis unit. all the patients on haemodialysis with a healthy and non-prosthetic arteriovenous fistula were included in this study. the sample will be 35 randomized patients with a monitoring period of 6 months. prior to commencing the study, nursing staff were trained in the technique and a specific puncture protocol was created. all the variables to be analysed are recorded at each haemodialysis session. descriptive statistics is applied for the student t variable for the difference between means and x2 and fisher's exact test for the proportions, where p<0.05 is considered significant. kaplan-meier survival analysis. spss 14.0. statistical package. results: the sensation of pain during puncture and bleeding time were reduced significantly in all patients. no complications occurred during the study period. conclusions: the buttonhole puncture technique reduces the pain perceived by the patient, giving greater satisfaction. the buttonhole puncture technique is a good alternative for accesses that are not well developed or have puncture problems, favouring self-puncture and home haemodialysis options. %K vascular access %K pain %K puncture. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1139-13752011000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en