%0 Journal Article %T Cinc y cobre plasm¨˘tico: Su relaci¨®n con el estado nutricional en niŁżos menores de siete aŁżos %A Cordero M %A Raimundo E %A Infante %A Ram¨®n Benito %A Chac¨®n %A Rita %A Hevia %A Patricio %J Revista de la Facultad de Medicina %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X studies have shown that zinc and copper are associated with growth and development. 175 healthy children under seven years old were evaluated, belonging to low-income families residing in the metropolitan area of caracas - venezuela with the purpose of determining, by atomic absorption spectrometry, plasmatic zinc and copper concentration and to relate them with dimensional growth anthropometric indices, expressed as z score; to establish the prevalence of risk of deficiency and by last, to compare with values obtained in malnourished children. the average of plasma zinc and copper levels were within the normal ranges and did not appear significantly affected by gender and age. 11.0 % and 1.8 % of children were found with low levels of plasma zinc and copper respectively, the most affected were children four years old in the case of zinc. significant association was observed of plasma zinc with indicators weight for age and weight for height. the plasma concentration of trace elements was lower in malnourished children, reaching significance with the copper. the prevalence of risk deficiency of trace minerals considered in this work could be suggested low. the study must be continued, including determination of average usual intake of zinc and copper, as well as the dietetic factors that facilitate or hinder its absorption. %K zinc %K copper %K anthropometry. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0798-04692010000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en