%0 Journal Article %T Biolog¨ªa molecular y gen¨¦tica de la hormona paratiroidea y la prote¨ªna relacionada con la hormona paratiroidea: una revisi¨®n hist¨®rica hasta la actualidad %A Vassallo-Palermo %A Miguel %A Rodr¨ªguez-Celis %A Iniara %A Blanco-Echezur¨ª %A Daniela %J Revista de la Facultad de Medicina %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the parathyroid glands were discovered at the end of the 19th century and its role at the beginning of the 20th was controversial. their role was defined later due experiments conducted by collip (1925) where extracts of parathyroid tissue under high temperature hydrocloric acid decrease tetany in dogs with total parathyroidectomy. this substance 35 years later would be called parathyroid hormone. aurbach (1959) used organic solvents to isolate the active unfragmented molecule. this combined with gel filtration techniques, allowed to researches like brewer (1970) identify essential portions for biological activity. in addition, the development of molecular biology, inmnohistochemistry and dna recombinant technology, made possible identify the polypeptide sequence by reverse mrna and synthesize parathyroid hormone polypeptide. in 1991, parathyroid hormone receptor was cloned. protein related to parathyroid hormone (pthrp) was identified due to biological activity on calcium and phosphate homeostasis indistinguishable from the parathyroid hormone. through experiments of genetic ablation, the pthrp was identified as cell growth and apoptosis regulator by an intracrine pathway. all these achievements were promoted by the research to find the cause of malignant hypercalcemia and study chronic kidney disease. %K parathyroid hormone %K parathyroid hormone protein related %K molecular biology %K history. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0798-04692010000100011&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en