%0 Journal Article %T Evaluaci車n de espectrofot車metros para la elaboraci車n de material de referencia empleado en la calibraci車n y el control de la determinaci車n de hemoglobina %A Briones %A Nathalie %A Jim谷nez %A Tibisay %A Far赤as %A Mar赤a Gabriela %J Revista de la Facultad de Medicina %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X on account of the variability of results observed between laboratories in hemoglobin determinations, the installation of quality assurance systems should be promoted to generate confidence on laboratory results. in order to contribute with elements for the establishment of these systems we realized an instrumental evaluation of photometric equipment and prepared a regular lot of hemoglobin standards and controls following international protocols. after the elaboration, we monitored the homogeneity (vc standard: 0.33 %, control: 0.38 %) and stability (vc standard: 0.13 %, control: 0.90 %). the instrumental evaluation showed the optimal condition of the photometric equipment (wave length accuracy 100 %, photometric inaccuracy 0.9 % y 1.2 %, vc photometric precision 0.25 %, lineal response with k2cr2o7), this allowed its employment for the value assignation of the material, that was useful for the daily practice of hemoglobin determination. this constitutes a contribution to the performance of clinical laboratory and contributes with the emission of reliable results. %K hemoglobin %K quality control %K standard %K analytic control %K isosbestic point. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0798-04692009000100008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en