%0 Journal Article %T La evaluaci車n de la funci車n docente mediante la opini車n del estudiante. Un nuevo instrumento para nuevas dimensiones: COED %A Maz車n Ram赤rez %A Juan Jos谷 %A Mart赤nez Stack %A Jorge %A Mart赤nez Gonz芍lez %A Adri芍n %J Revista de la educaci車n superior %D 2009 %I Universidades e Instituciones de Educaci車n Superior de M谷xico %X as an option to the instrument used at the universidad nacional aut車noma de m谷xico on the faculty of medicine to value, by the students opinion, the educational function for the basic courses, and based on the application of an exploratory instrument of 62 reagents organized by the "good education" dimension a questionnaire of 35 reagents (coed) was built. besides this factorial structure and psycometrical properties of the dimensions that integrates it, as well as of an estimation of its validity of criteria and of constructo, there are some of the initial results that shows the great potentials of the questionnaire, to feedback the teacher, as an improvement of their educational activities. %K reagents %K feedback %K teaching staff. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0185-27602009000100006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en