%0 Journal Article %T Determinaci¨®n de macro elementos en exudado de hojas de z¨˘bila (Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.) %A Saavedra A %A Oswaldo R %A Rond¨®n %A Carlos E %J Revista del Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel %D 2010 %I Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel %X the objective of this work was to determine the metals in aloe vera (l.) burm. f. (zabila). theses metals are necessary in the human organism; namely: na, k, ca y mg. it was digested for 1 hour in a hot plate at 70 oc 0.25 g of lyo-philized exudate with 1:2 nitric acidic and hydrogen peroxi-de. it was no found significatives statistics differences at 95% of confidence between the standard calibration curve and the aqueous calibration curve, so no matrix effect was observed. the recovery studies was satisfactory, the mean value was 99.77 ˇŔ 2%. it was no found significatives statistics differences at 95% of confidence between the certificated values (nbs: citrics leaves 1572) of studied metals and the values found with the applied methodology. the concentrations of these elements in the real composed samples were: na: 0.24 ˇŔ 0,03% w/w; k: 0.69 ˇŔ 0,13% w/w; ca: 0.07 ˇŔ 0,01% w/w; mg: 0.01 ˇŔ 0,00% w/w. the method used to determine the determined elements was exact, pre-cise and free from interferences. %K macroelements en aloe vera (l.) burm. f. %K metals in zabila %K faas. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0798-04772010000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en