%0 Journal Article %T Resultados de la timectom¨ªa m¨¢xima en miastenia gravis. Experiencia de 20 a£¿os en el Servicio de Neumolog¨ªa y Cirug¨ªa de T¨®rax en el Hospital General de M¨¦xico: Influencia de la timectom¨ªa en dosis de piridostigmina y tres variables espirom¨¦tricas en miastenia gravis %A Navarro-Reynoso %A Francisco %A P¨¦rez-Romo %A Alfredo %A Green %A Le¨®n %A P¨¢ramo-Arroyo %A Rafael %A Cicero-Sabido %A Ra¨²l %J Revista del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias %D 2006 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X myasthenia gravis (mg) is a disease of the neuromuscular plaque characterized by weakness and fatigue. it can be related to thymic tumors or hyperplasia of the gland. mg is treated with pyridostigmine; if medical control can not be achieved or unpleasant symptoms appear, thymectomy is indicated. we present our 20 year experience with 126 cases of transternal maximal thymectomy for the treatment of mg; there were two postoperative deaths related to respiratory muscle weakness. statistically significant improvements in pyridostigmine dosage, tidal volume, vital capacity and maximal inspiratory force were seen after surgery. %K maximal thymectomy %K myasthenia gravis %K pyridostigmine %K pulmonary function tests. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0187-75852006000400004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en