%0 Journal Article %T Dimensiones de sustentabilidad en las instituciones de educaci車n superior: Propuesta para un centro de investigaci車n %A Guti谷rrez Barba %A Blanca Estela %A Mart赤nez Rodr赤guez %A Mar赤a Concepci車n %J Revista de la educaci車n superior %D 2009 %I Universidades e Instituciones de Educaci車n Superior de M谷xico %X based on unesco establishment to implement a sustainable development on the higher education institutions. our investigation takes place on the research and studies on environment and development center (ciiemad) of the ipn, where 6 dimensions have been proposed: academic, research, environmental, economic, philosophical-political, and social-personnel; like part of the proposal of an action plan. these dimensions have been based on the integration of different sectors that lead to sustainable development by various authors from different institutions and disciplines; which we expose and analyzed. %K sustainable development %K educational quality %K school culture. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0185-27602009000400007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en