%0 Journal Article %T Manejo quir¨˛rgico del c¨˘ncer de pulm¨®n. Hechos y algunas reflexiones %A Ibarra P¨¦rez %A Carlos %J Revista del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias %D 2006 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X stage i and ii non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc) should be resected, but there is mounting evidence for the use of preoperative induction and postoperative adjuvant therapy in stages ib and ii, as being able to prolong life. some patients in stage iiia should undergo induction therapy, and then have re-staging of the mediastinum by ct/pet or redo mediastinoscopy before considering resection. stages iiib and iv are non-surgical, except very selected cases. reflections are made regarding the control of cigarette smoking, the difficult access of patients from developing countries to the recent costly medical, pharmacological and technical advances; reflections are also made related to some ethical issues regarding medical and surgical treatment of nsclc. %K adjuvant therapy %K chemotherapy %K ct/ pet %K induction therapy %K mediastinoscopy %K non-small cell lung carcinoma %K pulmonary resection %K smoking %K thoracic surgery. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0187-75852006000200012&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en