%0 Journal Article %T La fuerza suave sobre las im¨¢genes: La concepci¨®n filos¨®fica de Hegel de la imaginaci¨®n %A Vieweg %A Klaus %J Revista latinoamericana de filosof£¿-a %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the purpose of a philosophy of mind (geist) can only be to introduce the concept (begriff) into the knowledge of mind. hegel's massive insistence on the concept, on the logos of knowledge, may appear oddly anachronistic in view of current theories of knowledge. even so, the author is going to recommend precisely such a seeming anachronism and argue for the enduring and decisive value of hegel's concept of imagination for current philosophical reflection on knowledge. what might at first look like a dusty attic will soon reveal extensive and unfamiliar treasures and offer the cornerstone for a modern philosophy of knowledge and aesthetics, for a new theory of symbolic forms, for a new logic of signs. hegel was, according to derrida, the founder of modern semiology. his theory provides an ariadne thread leading out of the labyrinth of conflicting opinions about the nature of the imagination. %K imagination %K concept %K symbol. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1852-73532009000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en