%0 Journal Article %T Idoneidad did¨¢ctica de un protocolo sociocultural de ense£¿anza y aprendizaje de las matem¨¢ticas %A Alsina %A ¨¤ngel %A Domingo %A Marta %J Revista latinoamericana de investigaci¨®n en matem¨¢tica educativa %D 2010 %I Comit¨¦ Latinoamericano de Matem¨¢tica Educativa %X this study evaluates the suitability of a protocol for teaching the concept of regular polyhedra to students of 14 and 15 years of age. the protocol has been designed from a sociocultural angle and its evaluation is based on the application of didactical suitability criteria which offers an ontosemiotic approach. suitability is studied by looking at its different dimensions: mathematical, cognitive, interactional, mediational, emotional and ecological. the analysis has enabled some factors to be identified which support the validity of the protocol and its suitability for use in the classroom, namely, the type of discourse, use of manipulable materials and cooperative work. %K sociocultural perspective %K geometry teaching %K didactical suitability %K manipulative material %K mathematics practices. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1665-24362010000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en