%0 Journal Article %T Efecto de la conservaci¨®n de residuos de cosecha de la ca£¿a de az¨²car en la temperatura de un suelo Argiudol t¨ªpico de la Llanura Chacopampeana sub h¨²meda - h¨²meda (Tucum¨¢n - Argentina) %A Morandini %A Miguel %A Hern¨¢ndez %A Carlos F. %A Rojas Quinteros %A Hugo C. %A Sanzano %A Agust¨ªn G. %J Revista industrial y agr£¿-cola de Tucum£¿£¿n %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X sugarcane crop management under systems without pre or postharvest burning in the province of tucum¨¢n involves changing various aspects of its development. soil temperature is one of the factors most affected, as it drops significantly with sugarcane mulch residue increase. since soil temperature represents a constraining factor on sugarcane early growth in the area of study, a randomized block design trial was planted in las talitas to assess the effect of soil temperature changes over four years on the root growth area of tuc (cp) 77-42 sugarcane under four different management practices: non-irrigated burning, irrigated burning, non-burning without irrigation and irrigated non-burning systems. burning systems resulted in higher soil temperatures from the beginning of shooting to canopy closure. hourly temperature analysis revealed significantly higher values in these systems as compared with non-burning management. irrigation led to lower temperatures. %K burn %K irrigation %K coverage %K soil moisture. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1851-30182009000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en