%0 Journal Article %T Poder calor¨ªfico superior de bagazo, m¨¦dula y sus mezclas, provenientes de la ca£¿a de az¨²car de Tucum¨¢n, R. Argentina %A Diez %A Oscar A. %A C¨¢rdenas %A Ger¨®nimo J. %A Mentz %A Luis F. %J Revista industrial y agr£¿-cola de Tucum£¿£¿n %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X bagasse, or the biomass remaining after sugarcane stalks are crushed to extract their juice, is the primary fuel source for steam generation to supply for all the needs of a typical sugar mill in tucum¨¢n, argentina. in factories equipped to separate bagasse from pith to supply fibre for paper producing plants, pith and its blends with bagasse at different proportions are also available as fuels. the value of bagasse as a fuel depends on a number of ecological, agronomic and industrial factors, and it affects steam generation efficiency. the aim of this report is to assess the value of bagasse as a fuel in sugar mills in tucum¨¢n. a total of 419 bagasse samples, collected from different sugar mills in tucum¨¢n, were processed and tested with a bomb calorimeter to measure their higher calorific value (pcs) and its correlation with ash contents. in order to identify the relationship between ash content in bagasse and its ignition delay, pcs was calculated one minute after ignition. bagasse pcs from three widely used sugarcane varieties was also determined. results showed that 17375 kj/kg is eligible as a mean higher calorific value for bagasse from sugar mills in tucum¨¢n, whereas pith mean higher calorific value can be set at 17.075 kj/kg. these values should be adjusted according to ash content level. although variability amongst mean pcs was low, it was possible to identify the relationship between ecosystem and sugarcane development, its final fibre content and, thereby, its calorific value. %K bagasse ash %K bagasse combustion. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1851-30182010000100004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en