%0 Journal Article %T Un nuevo Glyptodontidae (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Cingulata) del Mioceno de Patagonia (Argentina) y comentarios acerca de la sistem¨˘tica de los gliptodontes "friasenses" %A Gonz¨˘lez-Ruiz %A Laureano Ra¨˛l %A Zurita %A Alfredo Eduardo %A Scillato-Yan¨¦ %A Gustavo Juan %A Zamorano %A Martin %A Tejedor %A Marcelo Fabi¨˘n %J Revista mexicana de ciencias geol¨®gicas %D 2011 %I Universidad Nacional Aut¨®noma de M¨¦xico %X in this contribution we described a new genus and species of glyptodontidae, coming from a new middle miocene fossiliferous locality named tranquera blanca (northwest of chubut province, patagonia argentina, patagonia). the most complete specimen recovered includes osteoderms from the cephalic shield, dorsal carapace and caudal armour. the most remarkable features of these new taxon are: a) osteoderms from the cephalic shield large and without the dorsal carapace ornamentation pattern; b) osteoderms from the dorsal carapace punctuated and with irregular edges; c) movable osteoderms in the antero-lateral region of the dorsal carapace; d) osteoderms from the postero-lateral region of the dorsal carapace with accessory antero-lateral peripheralfigures; e) osteoderms from de caudal rings of the caudal armour with large and numerous foramina; f large and rigid caudal tube absent. a revision of the previously recognized glyptodontidae for the patagonian middle miocene ("friasian" salma) indicates that taxa present includes (apart of the new taxon here described): propalaehoplophorinae gen. et sp. indet., eonaucum colloncuranum (glyptodontidae incertae sedis), propalaehoplophorus informis (propalaehoplophorinae), palaehoplophoroides rothi (palaehoplophorini), palaehoplophorus meridionalis (palaehoplophorini) and glyptodontidae gen. et sp. indet. finally, the type locality is tentatively correlated with other fossiliferous localities of the middle miocene. %K glyptodontidae %K xenarthra %K miocene %K friasian %K patagonia %K argentina. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1026-87742011000300017&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en