%0 Journal Article %T Interacci¨®n de la privaci¨®n de agua y los est¨ªmulos correlacionados con la entrega de agua en programas de reforzamiento continuo y de intervalo %A Ribes-I£¿esta %A Emilio %A Montes %A Edgar %J Revista mexicana de an¨¢lisis de la conducta %D 2009 %I Mexican Society of Behavior Analysis %X an experiment with eight rats was conducted to examine the interaction among three variables: deprivation level (no deprivation or high deprivation), type of reinforcement schedule (continuous reinforcement, fixed interval or variable interval), and the presence or absence of stimuli correlated with water delivery. two groups of rats, which differed only in the initial condition to which they were exposed (presence or absence of stimuli), were used. each and every rat responded in the initial phases with continuous reinforcement and interval schedules, despite not being deprived of water. the presence or absence of the stimuli correlated with water delivery had no effect throughout the experiment. bar pressing varied as a function of deprivation level, regardless of the reinforcement schedule and of the frequency of water deliveries: comparable response rates were observed under continuous reinforcement and under interval schedules. when exposed to interval schedules while water deprived, there were more probes to the empty water dispenser than bar presses. results are analyzed in terms of the functionality of the varied molar sequences observed with respect to water procurement and consumption. %K deprivation %K continuous reinforcement %K fixed interval %K probes %K rats. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0185-45342009000300006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en