%0 Journal Article %T Otro mundo es posible: cr¨ªtica del pensamiento neoliberal y su visi¨®n universalista y lineal de las relaciones internacionales y el sistema mundial %A Sosa Fuentes %A Samuel %J Revista mexicana de ciencias pol¨ªticas y sociales %D 2012 %I Universidad Nacional Aut¨®noma de M¨¦xico %X the present article has the finality of exposing the universal and lineal vision of neoliberal thought of the international relations and the contemporary world system. said reflections result of a great importance and actuality, since in the midst of a context of a profound global crisis of thought, ideology and neoliberal economic model, rises the necessity of revising other forms and contents of knowledge and other alternate forms of social organization and participation, of constructing other plural and inclusive paradigms of international theory that, based on cultural diversity, as it occurs in latin america, will lead to new international relations that will further on one side, the construction of a common life and common welfare, of a new human relationship with nature and the environment of the planet, and on the other hand, that will promote the establishment of a new global ethics of reunion, acknowledgment, equality, justice, and equality and respect between cultures, societies and nation states of the planet. %K neoliberal thought and ideology %K globalization of the world market %K neoliberal paradox crisis %K civilizing crisis %K new international analysis epistemology. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0185-19182012000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en