%0 Journal Article %T Gesti車n escolar democr芍tica: una construcci車n contextualizada en escuelas municipales de la ciudad de Pelotas, RS, Brasil %A Lorea Leite %A Maria Cecilia %A Moreira Hypolito %A 芍lvaro %A Dall'Igna %A Maria Antonieta %A C車ssio %A Maria de F芍tima %A Marcolla %A Valdinei %J Revista mexicana de investigaci車n educativa %D 2012 %I Consejo Mexicano de Investigaci車n Educativa, A.C. %X this article analyzes the democratization of managing educational policies that the municipal secretary of education in pelotas implemented in 2001. with a qualitative methodology based on discussion groups and case studies, research was carried out on the management practices and models in the municipal public schools of pelotas, in the state of rio grande do sul, brazil. the administrative, pedagogical, and financial aspects of these policies were considered in three cases, represented by three schools with predominant management models. school a presented real democratic progress with the participation of the entire school community; school b continued with its model of traditional management, showing only formal democracy with limited community participation, while school c did not obtain the expected results in terms of democratic management. %K school management %K democracy %K educational policies %K community participation %K brazil. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1405-66662012000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en