%0 Journal Article %T Informaci¨®n, autoayuda y creaci¨®n de identidades: las tecnolog¨ªas de la informaci¨®n y la comunicaci¨®n (TIC) y las asociaciones de discapacitados f¨ªsicos. El ejemplo de la poliomielitis %A Ballester %A Rosa %A Bueno %A Eduardo %A Sanz-Valero %A Javier %J Salud Colectiva %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S1851-82652011000400005 %X the aim of this paper is to study the quality of the websites of associations for people with polio and post-polio syndrome as an example of an important method for exchanging information and promoting the social visibility of physically disabled people. a descriptive cross-sectional study of 375 sites that met inclusion criteria, found using of the google search engine, was carried out. the quality was studied through 22 variables, 8 of which make up the "credibility indicator". none of the websites met all the quality criteria nor all 8 items in the credibility index. a positive correlation between the variables of quality and credibility criteria (pearson r = 0.81, p<0.001) was observed, therefore the credibility index is suggested as a useful tool for determining the quality of the websites. however, this tool must be supplemented with other qualitative approaches that explore both the contexts of lay-expert relationships and the function these sites serve. %K internet %K quality indicators %K self-help groups %K poliomyelitis %K postpoliomyelitis syndrome. %U http://www.scielosp.org/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1851-82652011000400005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en