%0 Journal Article %T An¨˘lisis de una encuesta poblacional para determinar los factores asociados al control de la diabetes mellitus en M¨¦xico %A Hern¨˘ndez-Romieu %A Alfonso Claudio %A Elnecav¨¦-Olaiz %A Alejandro %A Huerta-Uribe %A Nidia %A Reynoso-Nover¨®n %A Nancy %J Salud P¨˛blica de M¨¦xico %D 2011 %I Instituto Nacional de Salud P¨˛blica %R 10.1590/S0036-36342011000100006 %X objective: determine the influence of nutritional counseling, exercise, access to social healthcare and drugs, and the quality of medical care on the control of diabetics. material and methods: the information and blood samples were obtained in 2005. glycemic control was defined as good if hba1c was <7.0%, poor from 7.01% - 9.50% and very poor if hba1c >9.5%. binary logistic regression models were used to determine the association of these factors with hba1c>9.5%. results: thirty percent of the patients with a medical diagnosis of diabetes had adequate metabolic control. conclusions: nutritional guidance was associated with an increase in the degree of control. a majority of diabetics have poor or very poor glycemic control. strengthening the quality of and access to medical care for these patients is urgently needed. %K diabetes mellitus %K hemoglobin a %K glycosylated %K quality of health care %K health services accessibility %K mexico. %U http://www.scielosp.org/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0036-36342011000100006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en