%0 Journal Article %T Perfiles gen¨¦ticos en muestras de orina en identificaci¨®n sanitaria militar %A Marqu¨¦s Negredo %A M.L. %A ¨¢lvarez-Maldonado Param¨¦s %A T. %A Villa Rodr¨ªguez %A L. %A Garc¨ªa Tejerina %A R. %A Sanz Zamarro %A M.I. %A Coca Menchero %A S. %J Sanidad Militar %D 2012 %I Ministerio de Defensa %R 10.4321/S1887-85712012000200004 %X antecedents: urine samples that are often utilized for clinical, toxicological or doping control tests can be mistaken involuntarily or intentionally tampered with. objective: to make available a technique that ensures the identity of urine samples. we propose the identification of the donor through genetic profiling in blood and urine samples. two methods of nuclear dna extraction are compared. material and methods: dna is extracted by two methods, the method of master diagnostica (vitro s.a.) and the automatic method magna pure£¿ of roche. the genetic profiles are established utilizing the ampflstr£¿ identifiler£¿ pcr amplification kit (applied biosystems). results: the correspondence between the profiles of both types of samples was 100%. conclusions: dna can be obtained from urine samples manually or automatically. both methods are valid although the manual method yields more dna. the donor of a urine sample can be identified comparing the genetic profiles of urine and blood. the extraction of dna from urine and its subsequent storage at -80oc allows for establishing later a genetic profile without alterations. %K genetic profile %K dna extraction %K medical identification. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1887-85712012000200004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en