%0 Journal Article %T EMI conduzida gerada por conversores est¨¢ticos aplicados ¨¤ corre£¿£¿o do fator de pot¨ºncia %A Beltrame %A Fernando %A Roggia %A Leandro %A Schuch %A Luciano %A Pinheiro %A Jos¨¦ Renes %J Sba: Controle & Automa£¿£¿o Sociedade Brasileira de Automatica %D 2012 %I Sociedade Brasileira de Autom¨¢tica %R 10.1590/S0103-17592012000100001 %X this paper investigates the conducted electromagnetic interference (emi) yielded by power converters used power factor correction.the topologies discussed in this paper are the boost, interleaved boost and dual boost converters. an analysis of the conducted noise behavior of differential mode and common mode in the converters are presented. all converters are designed in a way that the total harmonic distortion of the input current are same, in order to use the same input filter. it is presented the emi filter design in order to adapt the converters as the standard of electromagnetic interference, cispr. experimental results of converters operating in power factor correction for a load of 300w is presented, as well as, experimental results of emi analyzing the impact of the use of emi filter, the alteration of the gate resistance of the semiconductor switches and changed in the configuration of the inductor boost for dual boost topology. %K boost %K interleaved boost %K dual boost %K emi filter %K pfc %K dm and cm noise. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0103-17592012000100001&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en