%0 Journal Article %T Transici車n demogr芍fica: una dimensi車n emp赤rica de la modernizaci車n en la Zona Andina de Nariˋo %A Ortega Ord車ˋez %A Ximena Alexandra %A Villamar赤n Mart赤nez %A Francisco Javier %J Semestre Econ車mico %D 2010 %I Universidad de Medell赤n, Sello Editorial %X the fundamental intention of this exercise is to analyze the behavior and the trends described by the demographic transition in nariˋo's andean zone for the period 2000-2007. it is a descriptive, longitudinal and trend research. the conclusions stop to see that the demographic official statistics describe than pasto, ipiales, t迆querres and sandon芍, have entered a process of demographic unequal transition, demonstrating that in the region the modernization coexists with the tradition. %K demographic transition %K socioeconomic modernization %K population dynamic. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-63462010000200007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en