%0 Journal Article %T Avalia£¿£¿o de pol¨ªticas p¨²blicas para o desenvolvimento sustent¨¢vel: um estudo de caso dos programas de educa£¿£¿o de Curitiba de 1998 a 2005* %A Da Silva %A Christian Luiz %A De Castro Rauli %A Fabiano %J Semestre Econ¨®mico %D 2009 %I Universidad de Medell¨ªn, Sello Editorial %X lack of public resources, increased population and its consequent urban demands for public services, as well as the increasing information access democratization are issues that show us the importance of effective public policy definition, planning and execution in order to improve the city social, economic and environmental conditions. the present article aims at assessing curitiba recent public policies from a multidisciplinary viewpoint, mainly focusing the basic education program. the article research is explanatory and applied, including study of curitiba multi-annual plans (1998-2001 and 2002-2005). the results show that public policy planning should be transparent and define standards and parameters for its execution to be followed up, as well as to make the complex process of sustainable development understandable so that policy effectiveness can be assessed. the education program analyzed in the article comprises several actions which lack the required integration and impact analysis that could prove their effectiveness. %K public policy %K sustainable development %K education %K curitiba %K brasil. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-63462009000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en