%0 Journal Article %T An芍lisis de la contaminaci車n del suelo: revisi車n de la normativa y posibilidades de regulaci車n econ車mica %A Silva Arroyave %A Sandra Milena %A Correa Restrepo %A Francisco Javier %J Semestre Econ車mico %D 2009 %I Universidad de Medell赤n, Sello Editorial %X the main objective of this paper is to make an economic analysis about soil pollution generated by pesticides in agriculture activities. through content analysis, it made a review about national and international environmental regulation specifically about soil pollution control. also, this article showed soil economic importance through analysis of different studies of economic assessment of soil degradation. this work concluded that the design of regulation plan about pesticides uses in agriculture, has to be focus in the economics instruments use with command and control instruments, for ensure generation of incentives that enhances minimize negative environmental effects. %K soil %K environmental government policy %K hazardous waste (pesticide) %K environmental laws %K environmental effects. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-63462009000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en