%0 Journal Article %T Entre o nacional e o neonacional-desenvolvimentismo: poder pol¨ªtico e classes sociais no Brasil contemporaneo %A Almeida %A L¨²cio Fl¨¢vio Rodrigues de %J Servi£¿o Social & Sociedade %D 2012 %I Cortez Editora Ltda %R 10.1590/S0101-66282012000400005 %X several social scientists engaged in the difficult task of studying lula da silva's government have resumed the reflection on brazilian developmentalist period. in this article, we examine the relationships among political power, political regime and state policy during: 1) the rise and final crisis of national developmentalism; 2) the neo£¿national developmentalism. our purpose is to contribute to the analysis of two important moments of contemporary brazil. %K national developmentalism %K neo£¿national developmentalism %K neoliberalism %K political power %K social classes %K state policy. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0101-66282012000400005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en