%0 Journal Article %T Humanitarismo, redenci¨®n y ciencia m¨¦dica en Nueva Espa£¿a: El expediente de salud p¨²blica para frenar la extinci¨®n de indios en la Baja California (1797-1805) %A Altable %A Francisco %J Secuencia %D 2011 %I Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. Jos¨¦ Mar¨ªa Luis Mora %X on the basis of a description of various moments in the implementation of a medical program to reverse the long population decline of indians in the california pen¨ªnsula, what could be called the political humanitarianism of the spanish crown emerged, projected onto the debate between the religious and scientific perspectives regarding the extinction of the indians. the ¨¢rdele explains the causes of what is called the utopia of the californians' healing, offering an interpretation that ranges from relative conceptions to the indians' well-known genetic capacity to survive the infections, errors and impositions of the acculturation process and other factors that adversely affect indigenous existence. it concludes that the failure of the medical program in question contributed to the frustration of the colonizing, humanitarian, religious and modernizing expectations of the bourbon regime. %K extinction %K salvation %K science %K cure %K epidemic %K civilization %K evangelization %K utopia %K modernization %K health. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0186-03482011000200001&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en