%0 Journal Article %T La internacionalizaci車n de empresas: relaci車n entre el capital social, las tecnolog赤as de la informaci車n relacional y la innovaci車n %A Pel芍ez Cano %A Mar赤a Jos谷 %A Rodenes Adam %A Manuel %J Semestre Econ車mico %D 2009 %I Universidad de Medell赤n, Sello Editorial %X the purpose of this paper is to review the internationalization process of companies, studying their export performance and the influence that variables such as social capital, relational information technology (web 2.0) and innovation have. to achieve this purpose a review on the theoretic and conceptual concepts over the relation between internationalization of companies, relational information technologies, innovation and social capital is done. this enables a hypothesis formulation over the existing relations between these variables. this hypothesis is expected to be validated in a group of companies from the plastic sector of valencia community in spain and in some other companies of the metropolitan area of medellin colombia. %K information technologies (tic) %K web 2.0 %K social capital %K internationalization of companies %K culture %K innovation. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-63462009000300008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en