%0 Journal Article %T La "rep¨²blica posible" y sus problemas en Argentina: Normalistas e industriales debaten el plan educativo alberdiano de las dos gestiones presidenciales de Julio Argentino Roca (1880-1886 y 1898-1901) %A Herrero %A Alejandro %J Secuencia %D 2011 %I Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. Jos¨¦ Mar¨ªa Luis Mora %X during his two administrations in the late 19th century, julio argentino roca adhered to alberdi's program of the possible republic in argentina. he attempted to change the education system that opposed the republic of inhabitants that created wealth and eventually discovered something worse: not only did he fail in this attempt, but he noticed, during the same verbal competition, that the program of the possible republic was questioned by different actors. as an initial approach to the topic, this article examines student teachers and industrialists, since a section of student teachers and the industrial corporation determinedly supported rocas alberdian educational proposal. nevertheless, they questioned the possible republic, adding that it should advance towards a republic of citizens. %K argentina %K republic %K education %K student teachers %K industrials %K roca %K alberdi. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0186-03482011000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en