%0 Journal Article %T Jos¨¦ Vasconcelos y su paso por el Uruguay de los a£¿os veinte %A Caetano Hargain %A Gerardo %J Secuencia %D 2011 %I Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. Jos¨¦ Mar¨ªa Luis Mora %X the text concerns jos¨¦ vasconcelos's visit to uruguay during a trip to four countries in south am¨¦ricas southern cone (argentina, brazil, chile and uruguay), which subsequently gave rise to his famous book, ha raza c¨®smica. misi¨®n de la raza iberoamericana. notas de viajes a la am¨¦rica del sur. for a number of reasons, vasconcelos harbored particular expectations about his brief stay in uruguay. however, given his ideas and projects, it is safe to assume that his direct encounter with the actual uruguay would have been more conflictive than he expected. the text deals with this little-known stage of vasconcelos's well-publicized journey and explores the reasons behind certain debates and striking incompatibilities triggered by the specific experience of the visit. %K vasconcelos %K batlle and ord¨®£¿ez %K cosmic race %K uruguay %K reformism %K clericalism %K anti-imperialism %K militarism. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0186-03482011000200005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en