%0 Journal Article %T Interpretaci¨®n de las poblaciones de Circones detr¨ªticos en Unidades estratigr¨¢ficas equivalentes del Ediacarano-C¨¢mbrico de Argentina %A Ace£¿olaza %A Florencio G. %A Toselli %A Alejandro J. %A Miller %A Hubert %A Adams %A Christopher %J Serie correlaci£¿3n geol£¿3gica %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the analysis of zircon age populations of ediacaran - cambrian units in central and northem argentina allowed an interpretation of zircon generating events suggesting source areas. two main pulses can be recognized, an older one for the time span of 1500-1000 my (sunsas orogeny ~"grenville") and a second of 600-500 my (pampean orogeny). an additional set of ages between 1000-600 my were also found in some sectors, but data does not alows us to recognize it as independent cycles. it is estimated that these might belong to one or two events occurred prior to the development of pampean cycle. in all cases, it is interpreted that these populations were generated in authochtonous structures belonging to the western margin of gondwana. %K detritic zircon ages %K puncoviscana formation s.l. %K ediacaran-cambrian. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1666-94792010000100004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en