%0 Journal Article %T Plataformas Tecnol¨®gicas e as pr¨¢ticas de pesquisa em biomedicina - observa£¿£¿es preliminares sobre o uso de dispositivos globais e institui£¿£¿es locais %A Teixeira %A M¨¢rcia de Oliveira %J Sociologias %D 2012 %I Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul %R 10.1590/S1517-45222012000100012 %X the brazilian policy on health sciences and technology, inspired both by the action of international bodies such as oecd and who and by the emergence of the concepts of innovation and national innovation system, encourages the introduction of mechanisms for coordinating scientific research within public research institutions (pris). thus, during the last decade, the pris have made use of coordination mechanisms such as technology platforms. in this article i analyze the use of the mechanism "platform" in a local and specific area of science production in the field of biomedicine. for this purpose, we analyzed the experience of a public research institution in the field of biomedicine in organizing a network of technology platforms. the analysis focuses on the heterogeneous and circumstantial relationships that support the adoption and particularly the use of the platform in the coordination of practices between research groups and laboratories in the area of biomedicine. in summary, this study investigates the local use of mechanisms related to the contemporary international production of scientific knowledge, thus joining the studies that promote systematic investigations on the process of dissemination of global entities. %K biomedicine %K technology platforms %K competition coalition %K capitalism academic %K translocalization. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1517-45222012000100012&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en