%0 Journal Article %T Mecanismos de monitoreo de los compromisos en educaci¨®n en Am¨¦rica Latina: sistemas regionales de indicadores educativos %A Taccari %A Daniel ¨®scar %J Sin¨¦ctica %D 2010 %I Instituto Tecnol¨®gico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente %X in latin america there are a number of schemes to monitor education commitments and strategies proposed by the heads of state in the region. these monitoring and evaluation mechanisms have a common goal: to provide timely and reliable information that can serve as a tool to design educational policies to guarantee access for all to a quality education. however, each president presents its own set of indicators, resulting in a large inventory of information available for the description and analysis of the educational situation of latin american countries. while several of these systems share some of the targets and proposed indicators, almost all correspond to different demands and make use of different information sources, allowing for possible inconsistencies from this practice. the countries of this region present advance in the availability of statistical information on education therefore permitting the construction of these systems. although significant efforts to generate relevant indicators with the current educational challenges facing latin america as a whole have to be made. %K educational indicator systems %K regional education statistics. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1665-109X2010000200007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en