%0 Journal Article %T Efeito de restritores h¨ªdricos sobre a germina£¿£¿o, comprimento da rad¨ªcula e n¨ªveis de detec£¿£¿o de Colletotrichum gossypii var. cephalosporioides em sementes de algod£¿o %A Ara¨²jo %A Alderi Em¨ªdio de %A Menten %A Jos¨¦ Ot¨¢vio Machado %A Dias %A Carlos Tadeu dos Santos %A Czermainski %A Ana Beatriz Costa %A Santos %A Jos¨¦ Wellingthon dos %A Moraes %A Maria Helo¨ªsa Duarte %J Summa Phytopathologica %D 2012 %I Grupo Paulista de Fitopatologia %R 10.1590/S0100-54052012000100013 %X the fungus colletotrichum gossypii var. cephalosporioides, causal agent of ramulosis of cotton, is transmitted by seeds and is one the most important source of inoculum and the introduction of disease in health areas. to detect the pathogen in the cotton seeds it is important the use of a safe and quick method. the common method is the blotter test which is based on the evaluation of pathogen growing on the seeds and the morphological identification of pathogens. the method presents the disadvantage of seedlings growing during the seeds incubation period, which can be favorable to development of contaminants fungi and to difficult the identification of main pathogen. to avoid this problem the water restriction technique had been used. the objective of this research to study the effect of water restriction in the blotter method with manitol, nacl and kcl, in two osmotic potential, -0,6 and -0,8, compared to pattern of distilled water and 2,4 d added to the substrate and the freezing technique, in relation to seed germination, radicle elongation and incidence of the pathogen on the seeds. the manitol and nacl, with osmotic potential of -0,8 mpa were more efficient to inhibit the germination and promoted higher incidence of the pathogen. the kcl was efficient to inhibit the germination in the two osmotic potentials of -0,6 and -0,8, but the incidence of the pathogen was reduced. the manitol and nacl in the osmotic potential of -0,8 mpa were efficient to reduce the germination and radicle elongation but not reduced the incidence of the pathogen on the seeds. this technique can be used in routine health test to detect c. gossypii var. cephalosporioides in seed cotton. %K fungus %K water restriction %K incidence %K osmotic potential %K ramulosis. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0100-54052012000100013&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en