%0 Journal Article %T Simulaci¨®n y an¨¢lisis de desempe£¿o de protocolos unicast para Redes VANET %A Jim¨¦nez Pinto %A Gonzalo %A L¨®pez %A Danilo %A Pedraza %A Luis F %J Tecnura %D 2012 %I Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas University %X the constant changes in network topology vanet (vehicular ad-hoc networks), the moving speed of nodes, among other problems, generate technological challenges in the routing of these networks, which has led to the implementation of different protocols. the study and analysis of the characteristics and performance of the protocols commonly used by vanets, allows the formulation of possible solutions to these challenges. to do this requires the use of tools such as simulators for networks. this paper presents a definition of vanets and their characteristics, classification and description of some commonly used protocols for this and an investigation is conducted by simulating the behavior of a network, to finally present the analysis of results and conclusions the behavior of protocols aodv, dsr and dsdv are chosen these as the most commonly used for performance. %K aodv %K dsdv %K dsr %K performance %K vehicular ad-hoc networks. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0123-921X2012000100007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en