%0 Journal Article %T La teolog¨ªa desafiada por un Dios que se hace historia %A Silva %A Sergio %J Teolog¨ªa y vida %D 2011 %I Pontificia Universidad Cat¨®lica de Chile %R 10.4067/S0049-34492011000200002 %X this article begins by affirming the historical character of theology, which comes from the fact of being the work of human beings. all beings are historic who are in the process of becoming, which implies being, in relation with the environment, from an inner center of consciousness and freedom, capable of deciding. using a musical analogy, theology is historical not only because its interpreter, the human being, is historical, but also and above all because its subject is; god becomes incarnate, and thus becomes history. hence the two challenges addressed by the article are: a) what is there in god and in human history that makes it possible for god to become history, that is, that he can become-through-interaction-with-the-rest-toward-a-future? the fundamental answer is, in god, that he is the trinity, that is, that he "becomes" with others, and, in history, is the act of creation, as the placement of the subject who can foster a self-communication with god from the outside. b) how must the theology that properly thinks through god's becoming history be, and how must the language that expresses that theology be? the theology must address contemporaries, because they are the ones that experience god's desire put in them by a creative act, a desire to which the theology gives revelation as the answer. it must think today about the god testified to in the scripture, he who has already become history, and must seek not to define natures so much as to show structures of becoming. the language of the theology must not be direct, denotative, because no one has ever seen god, but rather indirect, connotative. there are two examples of this: the language of jesus in the gospels and the guardini's proposal of an indirect language as the only language capable of grasping the living and concrete. %K incarnation %K history %K challenges of historicity %K theological language %K god's supra-becoming %K creation %K longing for god %K hermeneutic circle %K denotation %K connotation. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0049-34492011000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en